ग्राहक ईश्वर का प्रारूप है
"पधारो जी"
Experience The Positive Vibes
JBJ group possesses expertise in a phenomenal segment of real estate industry & wide portfolio in the same. We strongly believe in integrity, transparency, due diligence and dedication with serving spirit.
We provide customized solution by taking holistic view of the requirement, troubleshooting
the disputes peacefully, keeping centralised focus on the best interest of client. We are
providing services since 1999 for Sale, Purchase and Corporate Leasing of
Industrial & Institutional , Commercial & Warehouses, Agricultural & Farmhouses, NRI’s
Indian Property Liaisoning | Vibrant Constructions
& Landscaping
Founder & CEO
Legal Head
Experience The Positive Vibes
Equipped with all the state-of-the-art technology, our conference room at JBJ house empowers us to have discussions, brainstorming sessions, meetings & gatherings for innovative ideas, legal & revenue debates, client know-how & to reach to an amicable solution
Jeff Weiner
The arm that carries the data That’s our Data Wing of JBJ. It supports all the other wings for their efficient & smooth workflow. Data wing uses the methods of data mining, analysis, validation, process, etc. for property search disputes and legal research etc
“The records speak louder than anything else.”
Patwar Records are the oldest form of records, initiated by Sher Shah Suri In 1540 AD. JBJ Group have established a fully functional & updated Patwar Ghar, which is only one of its kind where all the Patwar records like Jamabandi, Intqaal, Khasra, Girdawari, Taqseem, Aks, Fard & Shizra etc. are maintained.
For us and for our customers these records provides understanding of history & current status as well as other claims.
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,
I’d spend six
hours sharpening my axe."
Abraham Lincoln
BJ Group introduced an exclusive system to preserve & compile all the documents and prepare comprehensive, elegant & easily understandable file with proper noting & reference.
A well managed file gives us effectiveness to do things right and efficiency to do right things.
Shri Deshraj Srivass with his team oversees the Saatvik Rasoi of JBJ House. He is serving happiness & affection along with fresh food for 15+ yrs.
We believe, “Harmonising not only the properties but also relations.
We do in-depth study of all the legal aspects to pull-out the properties and the client from any litigation.
In the guidance of Mr. S.K. Goel, well known and leading Advocate having expertise in litigation pertaining to the properties, Mr. Lalit Singhal,legal head of JBJ Group, smoothly turns a legal dispute towards resolution along with his team.
“Death is not an end. There remains the litigation over the estate."
Ambrose Bierce
Legal battles takes enormous resources be it time, money & mental toll for many years & infact accentuate after the death.
CA Mr. Vivek Agarwal, having decades of experience & commands this field as an expert.
JBJ Group provide financial planning for capital gain taxation to maximize the financial benefits of the client.
“We advise tripartite agreement to avoid litigations & to make everyone smile.”
Adv. Rajiv Mangla, Advocate on record, an Arbitrator and an Insolvency Professional heads JBJ insolvency professional wing.
With inputs from legal & data wing, a proposal is made for acquisition of the land & buildings from the litigation of Insolvency & Bankruptcy.
“Architecture is a visual art and the buildings speak for themselves.”
Julia Morgan
Our corporate office JBJ House is a live example of the same thought
JBJ is having expertise in the demarcation of land to solidify the geographical location of the land. In Architectural wing we execute Architectural Plan, Interior Designing and Landscape Planning.
प्रिय ग्राहक प्रणाम, जेबीजे परिवार आपका स्वागत करता है | आपका यह परिवार एक विशाल, घने और समृद्ध वृक्ष की भांति है जिसकी जड़े बहुत गहराई तक फैली हुई है जिसे हमने अपनी गलतियों से सीखते हुए सत्यनिष्ठा, अथक परिश्रम, हढ़ता, नीतिगत मूल्यों, कठोर अनुभवों और अटूट संबंधो से सींचा है | व्यापर-धर्म को सर्वोपरि रखते हुए आप को "उलझनों से सुलझनो की ओर" ले जाना और आप हमसे हमेशा जुड़े रहे, यही हमारा प्रयास है |
by the grace of god, we're "troubleshooter"
enjoy your tea, rest leave on us.
We believe along with the resolution of the matters it is more important how it is executed by securing ones interest & protecting from future litigations. All our wings ensure satisfaction of the customers by working inclusively so that customers can understand the current situation and accordingly take intelligent decision to move forward.
We believe Research is the best way to dig out the grave information, When one is having right information, he is capable of appropriate suggestion. We wish you will give us an opportunity to serve with the best of our services.
प्रबल: कर्मसिद्धांत:
The law of karma is very